My Followers

Sunday 2 December 2012


I have out on a lot of weight and i feel fat.
I have wrapped all my chrimbo presents.
I have not got a clue what i do in school
My homework is unfinished
I have to get up at half five and have a bath before school which sucks
Ew school *shudders*
I don't like school
I like tv
Yeah tv is good

Friday 30 November 2012


Just decorated the tree
My house looks prettyyyyy
Im cold.
Im ill.
I need to pee
Im going to pee now
Bye bye

Friday 16 November 2012


I feel so upset.
I miss school.
I am missing olivias party.
Hate being ill.

Wednesday 14 November 2012

Hahaha. Just found out there is a fish called a blob fish. All i have eaten basically is porridge. Im ill so that is all.

Saturday 10 November 2012

All i have done today is cry.
I know i seem like a stupid soppy git but i just can not help it.
I just want to cry and cry and cry.

Now it is my turn to be a bitch

I am now ignoring quite alot of people. I have been crying all day.
I have been sitting alone all day.
And honestly i feel quite happy.
As if.
I feel sick.
I feel lonely.
I feel sad and all i want to do is sit down and carry on watching sad films until i go to bed.

i actually hate my life. Apart from Toby

All my posts lately have been about how depressed i am and how i have been getting upset.#
The worst thing about it is that nobody actually cares. yes that's right, nobody gives a shit.
at school i can go off by myself but that is just because if i stayed any longer i would of;
  • said something i shouldnt of said

  • cried (i don't like my 'friends' seeing me cry)

  • screamed

  • hurt somebody

  • hurt myself

  • or of had a mental breakdown

I get really, i mean REALLY upset about stuff so i post about it on here but still nobody gets it.
Yes i know there are people worse of than me but still, i deserve some time too.
It just bugs me how without noticing my so called 'friends' dig and dig and dig at me which really gets on my nerves. Like how (somebody not to be named) said i had pubic hair eyebrows. Now that may sound absolutely hilarious but when i got home i cried and cried and cried. I didn't go up to the high street because i was really upset. I used to get bullied and i wanted to kill myself and slowly but  certainly i feel like it is starting to happen again.