My Followers

Sunday 2 December 2012


I have out on a lot of weight and i feel fat.
I have wrapped all my chrimbo presents.
I have not got a clue what i do in school
My homework is unfinished
I have to get up at half five and have a bath before school which sucks
Ew school *shudders*
I don't like school
I like tv
Yeah tv is good

Friday 30 November 2012


Just decorated the tree
My house looks prettyyyyy
Im cold.
Im ill.
I need to pee
Im going to pee now
Bye bye

Friday 16 November 2012


I feel so upset.
I miss school.
I am missing olivias party.
Hate being ill.

Wednesday 14 November 2012

Hahaha. Just found out there is a fish called a blob fish. All i have eaten basically is porridge. Im ill so that is all.

Saturday 10 November 2012

All i have done today is cry.
I know i seem like a stupid soppy git but i just can not help it.
I just want to cry and cry and cry.

Now it is my turn to be a bitch

I am now ignoring quite alot of people. I have been crying all day.
I have been sitting alone all day.
And honestly i feel quite happy.
As if.
I feel sick.
I feel lonely.
I feel sad and all i want to do is sit down and carry on watching sad films until i go to bed.

i actually hate my life. Apart from Toby

All my posts lately have been about how depressed i am and how i have been getting upset.#
The worst thing about it is that nobody actually cares. yes that's right, nobody gives a shit.
at school i can go off by myself but that is just because if i stayed any longer i would of;
  • said something i shouldnt of said

  • cried (i don't like my 'friends' seeing me cry)

  • screamed

  • hurt somebody

  • hurt myself

  • or of had a mental breakdown

I get really, i mean REALLY upset about stuff so i post about it on here but still nobody gets it.
Yes i know there are people worse of than me but still, i deserve some time too.
It just bugs me how without noticing my so called 'friends' dig and dig and dig at me which really gets on my nerves. Like how (somebody not to be named) said i had pubic hair eyebrows. Now that may sound absolutely hilarious but when i got home i cried and cried and cried. I didn't go up to the high street because i was really upset. I used to get bullied and i wanted to kill myself and slowly but  certainly i feel like it is starting to happen again.

Sunday 4 November 2012

I hate my life

I am always getting ill and have not been sleeping recently. I have stopped eating quite a bit amd am feeling really down. I cry for about two hours everyday. I have to pit on a braveface infront of ky friends though. I always want to do stuff with them but they never want to. I dont really mind if they want to have a house day but when i am alone at home i cry and cry and cry. I know you guys couldnt care less and neither could my 'friends' but i care and i just needed to let it go. Im crying right now just because i feel depressed. I get depressed alot and have nervous breakdowns. I find sometimes im not the nicest of people but that is just because i sometimes think that everybody is justpretending to be my friend. I'm sorry for laying this on you but here it is. Im not always the happy easygoing girl you think i am. I am really struggling in school and life in general. I sound so suicidal but dot worry im not. I just feel like everyone and everythig is against me and it makes me sad.

Friday 5 October 2012


Wooo x
Im 13 sooon!
Eastenders is depressing
Party tomorrow
Blogspot is dead
Im posting random things
Im really bored
I want to open all of my presents
I am currently drinking squash

Friday 24 August 2012


Had the worst night ever. I was with a true friend all day and then shit happened when i got home. Wishing i had #him to talk to about it all but i dont. My life is falling apart and i dont know how long i can keep a smile on. Trying my hardest to fit in and be happy. But its really difficult and i am 4||getting really depressed. Really need to e3333stop trying to please others so much. And start pleasing myself. Would really appreciate it if somebody would just come to my house as a suprise with ears to listen, some trashy comedy films and a shoulder to cry on. Why is it always me who has to travel out to meet people. Why cant they visit me. Probably boring you all but oh well. Got nothing good to say anyway. If any of my true friends are reading this will you just hop on a train and come see me? Tired of having to do everything.

Saturday 4 August 2012


Well i havent blogged in AAAGGGEEESSSS but im back so...hey ;)
Right now Emma is in Florida. Kate is packing for france and i am preparing for Lonerville *sigh*
i am going to be a godmother for the second time on the 12th August.
That is pretty much it.
Not much has happened since last time i blogged so im gonna list the things that have
-I am no longer with ZebrA :'(
-I got a paddling pool
-i got an iphone
-i got a new niece called lorelai
-i got twitter... @missmdoige
-i had to explain to my nephew why he cannot go to preschool and big school at the same time
-i went to lakeside on the bus with kate
-i saw ice age 4 twice!
-i painted my bench
-i had a mental breakdown
-i had a nervous breakdown
-i had a nightmare whch kept me up for 8 hours that night :O
-i starte listening to different music like my chemical romance and avril lavigne

well goodbye for now Bloggerbots

LOve MAdge x

Saturday 2 June 2012

CHeeky Cheeky...

So the other day at Lunch me and my "JUNGLE LESBO" Emma made some funky music videos!
...................................................................................................................Not for sale at the moment
I have really busy lately going to a funeral and sorting out my granpa's belongings... :(
I am not extremely happy with my exams... me thinks i have failed all of them :'(
really been down and sad and sorry for myself lately but who caresss
Things Change Like The Weather But We Deal With It In Our Own Way :::::|||||
However i have been doing something fun; making... wait for it... just a moment... nearly there... ANAMAZINGWONDERFULAWESOMEBIRTHDAYCARDFORMYZEBRA<3
Yargenn... it is fullof pictures and memories... when its finished i shall show you guys :)
Well, that is pretty much it tbh xxxx

Blog again soon Madge_

Thursday 24 May 2012


This is really randomn but read it...I found it funny.


Minus all the little slip-ups life has been goooood ;)
So i went to thorpe park last Sunday... which was EPIC!
<3 much love for my zebra- been with for over a yearrr :*
well anywayy...
I bet Emma is wearing something embarassing right now    (cat leggings-green eyeshadow)
I bet Ruby is going all googoo about this year 8  (you know who i mean dooby)
I bet kate is cooking and being a rabbit  (vegetables galore)
And i bet that in about 3 seconds i am going to hit my brother...DONE!
Euuuughhhh... haten it when victims fight back :3
                                                         Ruby Savill-Downs get rid of your L.E!

Have not bothered posting for agesssss...

Sorry i have not posted in like AAAGGGEEESSS!!!
My grandpa passed away recently and i have been having loads of breakdowns and everything :(
i am so lucky to have such great friends to help me through... even embarassing ones (cat legging girl)

Blog soon-hopefully- Madge x

Thursday 26 April 2012

Sorry i have been absent from Blogging...

So i havent been on in agessss but oh well, im here now ;)
The reason i havent been on is because my Grandpa has been very ill...
He is in hospital at the moment; and i am wishing him the best :(

Anywho... I hope you guys are all well x

Blog again soon.. Madge x

Saturday 7 April 2012


So finally kate is back from France so let the KREM fun begin ;)
I am still sleeping on the sofa due to the smelly groseness of my flooded room :(
Found out that my new nephew/neice is gonna be due on the 17th of July :*
I am sooo bored at home with noooooo friends tlking to me :|
for all of you that did not notice there is now a face at the end of each sentence :S

blog soon Madge x

Before you go...

Everyone is a bitch
A bitch is a dog
Dogs bark
Bark comes from trees
Trees are a part of nature
Nature is beautiful
Beautiful are the bitches... x

Wednesday 4 April 2012


I know i keep blogging continous short useless blogs but this is the last one today...


I have already told them this but in a group convo you notice things.
I know that even though me and Bob are not the best of friends, he is an OK guy,
                                                                                   (it really hurt to say that)

Blog again soon
                             Madge x

Thank you Emmii!!

The song skinny love is AMAZING!
Thank you Emma Boothy for telling me of this song...
 It truly is beautiful!

that was just a little thank you for my girl but seriously listen to the song.

blog soon
                     Madge x


Soooooo... my house has flooded!
last night there was a massive outbreak of random water coming from my ceiling :(
the wall in the dining room was soaked and my room has officially drowned.
luckily my clothes are ok but all my bed sheets are ruined.
my bed smells grose and is not drying quick enough to be honest.
The sofa is really uncomfortable with a dog next to you and that is how i spent the night.
there is a plumber here now but i am still unable to sleep in my room because of the water danger...
Man my holidays are not going that well, most of you are having fun and i am stuck in a damp home :|

blog soon
              Madge x

Monday 2 April 2012

Feel like i am on druggsss...

Never had drugs but pretty sure i am feeling High and so so out of my head!feeling so at one with the world to be honest :)
In loveeee with lifeeee and someother things <3 (my girls will know what i mean)
Anywhooooooooo... so far the Easter holidays have been okay; been bowling with Rubshizzle; had a party to discover that my cousin is now tall enough for me to envy him :S; played Mario Kart continously; and discovered that i am a complete TWAT!
In other news... I simply cannot live without some people like:
 my girl kate,
my girl Emma,
my girl Ruby
 and (only for Bob) Zebra Xx

Blog again soon
                                       Madge xxxx

Friday 23 March 2012

Confused.. :S

Really does not understand how people can be oblivious to other people and how they feel.
No, i dont think i need to apologise for can a second ruin a friendship?????
There are so many problems in my life and i definitely do not need this!
 I have been through alot and it seems as if i am being dragged straight back into it...
Alot of you probably wont care about my side of things; but i dont care what people think of me, if im happy then life is great.
Yeah i like to look nice and do not like it when my hair is messed up but the realisation has finally hit me that i dont need to give a damn anymore. :|
i know i am not perfect and i am ok with that.
Blog soon..Xxx

Friday 9 March 2012


When somebody you really want to text you doesnt. ...
feelong so alone at the mo to be honest... :(
In other news am speaking to My friend Kate the stripper!
and no lie...also speaking to her Zebra bra xxx
Mwaaaaaaa! she gonna hate me xxx
Speak soon X

Thursday 1 March 2012

Seasons need to speed up!

Why cant summer hurry up?
Bring on short clothes and sunglasses!
can not wait to get a tan and to walk outside in barely anything...
knowing that every other girl will be doing the same :)
(dont worry im not like a stripper i mean vest tops and short dresses)
i know my blogs are not very long but short is sweet and im a sweetie-pie
*Laughing in my head because laughing out loud alone is weird*
Awk Mo xxxxxx

Love you all,... MARY

Monday 27 February 2012


Really Dont Want To Go To School!
But Then Again Nobody Does...
Yet Another Awk Mo :)
I Will Blog Again Soon x
lots 'o' love

My First Blog x

Heyyyy Guys,

 My First blog!!
Dont Know what to write!
Awk Mo.
Yes my blogging is going to be AWESOME!!
Please visit: and
I'll post soon. Mary xx